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Be a GEM for Her

We invite you to partner with our 12-month, therapeutic group home setting where these girls are offered: safety, security, trauma-informed care by trained professionals, education via accredited curriculum, individual and group therapy, job skills and life skills training...

and so much more!

Give Hope donate now button HOH.png

Monthly Gifts of

$500: Invest in House of Hope’s transition program for graduates to allow for continued growth and development

$1000: Feeds 8-11 girls healthy meals 3x/day for 1 month

$1500: Shelter 11 girls in a safe, protected home-like setting every month

Monthly Gifts of

$100: Provides welcome packages (includes bedding, PJ’s, a Bible, Journals, toiletries, etc.) for 8-12 girls each year

$250: Contributes to creating and maintaining a safe and secure environment for every resident

$450: Provides transportation for up to 8 residents/month: to and from work, church, class-es, therapy, etc.

Monthly Gifts of

$10: Provide 1 girl with her favorite cereal

$35: Provide school supplies for 3 girls

$75: Provide 1 therapy session for 1 girl

Join the GEM (Giving Every Month) Circle today to offer these survivors a brighter tomorrow

Imagine with me the daily - even hourly reality for the girl who has been trapped in the world of human sex trafficking.


The nightmare many of us can only begin to imagine is real life for far too many girls in Georgia. In fact, stats have shown that 100 girls are victimized EVERY NIGHT in Georgia alone and 200-400 are sold online every month! (Source: Anaya Pollard)

The PROBLEM is great, but the SOLUTION is POSSIBLE! Together, you and I can work towards providing not only a way out of victimization, but an opportunity and clear path for girls who come to House of Hope to move beyond victimization, and even beyond survival, to a life that THRIVES!

As a member of the GEM Circle, your partnership allows House of Hope’s team and our community to link arms with one another to empower these amazing young women to reclaim their lives and take their first steps toward a future worth looking forward to.

House of Hope’s 2022 Goal: 
Empower Victims of Sex Trafficking with Monthly Partnerships as a Member of the GEM Circle

© 2022 by Coastline Design. 

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PO Box 21283​

St. Simons Is, GA 31522





At Home staff members are in the office and available most weekdays.


07:00 AM - 08:30 PM




866-ENDHTGA (363-4842)

GA Human Trafficking Hotline

Stay in Touch!


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